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Conference language: English
Date of event: November 07th - 08th 2024
Place: Brasov, Romania
Venue: the Regional Department of Defense Resources Management Studies (DRESMARA)


Submission stages and dates:
Title and abstract submission 13th September 2024
Notification of abstract acceptance 18th September 2024
Full paper submission 4th October 2024
Notification of paper acceptance 11th October 2024
Security clearance number submission and fee payment* 18th October 2024
Confirmation of presence (including scanned receipt of payment) 18th October 2024

* Authors will make the payment only after paper acceptance message.

Submission details:
Registration fee Registration Fee Includes PAYMENT DETAILS:

All taxes are payable in the following account number until 18th Octomber 2024:

in the name of the “Grupul de Cercetări Politice" Association.

Please specify CoDRM Conference fee in the bank form. The bank commission is in charge of the sender. Selected papers will be published in the Journal of Defense Resources Management and all other accepted papers will be published in the Conference Volume, both volumes being featured in multiple International DataBases.
The scanned receipt is to be sent as attachment to the confirmation template by 7th October 2024.


According to the military publishing houses publication regulations, the participants from Romanian Ministry of National Defence structures are required to sent a security clearance issued by your institution, certifying that the article is releasable to the public. As a result, participants are kindly asked to provide us the number of the security clearance, withouth which the publication of the paper can not be finalized.


In order to establish the final agenda, please do not forget to confirm your presence, no later than the
13th September 2024. Please be aware that the certificate of attendance/presentation will not be issued, either at or after the conference, to authors whose papers are registered but not presented.

Visa Related

        An official paper acceptance letter will be sent upon request for all the participants with visa-related requirements. This request should be sent only after all the conference related - scientific and administrative stages have been completed (full article sent and accepted).
        The necessary documents for obtaining visa are each accepted author's obligation.
        A list of countries whose nationals, holders of simple travel documents, must be in possession of a visa upon entry on the Romanian territory is available here.
        A list of countries whose nationals - owners of simple passports - are exempt from the requirement of a Romanian visa is available here.
        A list of countries whose nationals - holders of diplomatic passports, service passports, official passports and seamen's books - are exempt from the requirement of a Romanian visa is available here.
        For more information, click here.


        Prospective authors are kindly invited to submit full text papers including results, tables, figures and references. The papers will be reviewed by the scientific committee and the authors will be informed about the acceptance via e-mail,

        All submitted articles should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical. Articles submitted to the Conference should meet these criteria and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Full papers have to follow the style of the conference and are subject to both review and editing.

        We are using plagiarism detection software to verify the originality of papers submitted to our journal. Sistemantiplagiat software is used to scan papers for instances of plagiarism.

        All accepted articles will be indexed by the major indexing media, therefore providing maximum exposure to the published articles.

Paper Formatting

        Regular Papers: minimum 4 pages, including all figures, tables, and references. Please follow the Conference format. MS Word Template for papers

Publication ethics :

        CoDRM upholds the highest standards of publication ethics and takes all measures against any publication malpractice.
        The authors take full responsibility for the contents and scientific correctness of the paper. Scientific and research dishonesty is not tolerated. Such behavior includes, but is not limited to, obtaining or giving aid on an academic endeavor, unauthorized collaboration, multiple submissions, and plagiarism.
        Multiple submissions are instances where scholars and/or researchers submit papers or work previously submitted for research and/or scientific purposes in another scientific framework. Plagiarism is the unauthorized use, intentional or unintentional, of intellectual work of another person without providing proper credit to the author. While most commonly associated with writing, all types of scholarly work, including computer code, speeches, slides, music, scientific data and analysis, and electronic publications are not to be plagiarized.
        Authors must submit original work. Contributions must not be plagiarized in whole or in part from elsewhere. Multiple submissions are not tolerated.